March 13rd, 2020

March Break Ski Trip!

Despite COVID, we were able to go on a ski trip! Obviously we were very meticulous with hygiene, no one wanted to get COVID... (situational irony incoming)

We had a lot of fun! We had so many people going as well, the picture below is a group photo! I think we had around 14 total people that went.

Group Photo

Here's a close up photo of us!

Close Up Photo

The resort we went to was Mt.St Louis & Moonstone. I've been to this resort so many times, because I used to have a season pass back in grade 8.

Going with friends there made it worth it. Tried a few new tricks at the terrain park, still too scared to do the rails though!

We had poutine for dinner and tis was a very tiring trip.

After the trip, unfortunately, some us got COVID. Luckily, everyone got better soon.

I hope to go on ski trips more often and take more photos in the future, hopefully I get to go on higher peaks. See you guys in the next post!

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